Skinniest Houses in the World

Yesterday I wrote about the largest historic mansions in the US, but what about the not so big house?  Well here are some of the smallest houses I could find and I won't be visiting any since I won't fit in any of them!

This designer is from Brazil and designed and lives in the house herself.  Only 9ft wide and 3 stories tall.

This house in London is 5ft at the narrowest point and 10ft at it's widest and sold for nearly a cool 1 million.

This one in New York City and is 9 1/2 ft wide.  It will only cost you $4.3 million!!!

Here are a few from Amsterdam

This one is in Scotland:

Pink house in South Carolina USA

Spite House in Boston MA.  Wiki says : The structure was apparently built as a “spite house” shortly after the American Civil War. According to local legend:
…two brothers inherited land from their deceased father. While one brother was away serving in the military, the other built a large home, leaving the soldier only a shred of property that he felt certain was too tiny to build on. When the soldier returned, he found his inheritance depleted and built the narrow house to spite his brother by blocking the sunlight and ruining his view…

Paris France:

Warsaw: (Vicodin Anyone?)

Blankenheim Germany:


So if you're feeling hungry just remember what type of house you could live in...

If you like what you see and want to keep the projects going please feel free to donate.  All contributions would be greatly appreciated. 


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