Damn Wind!

As winter slowly winds down in St. Paul Minnesota we have had some very strong winds recently.  I was out walking the dogs the other morning around the house and gazed up upon my beautiful beast after a recent blizzard and then I said "shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit"  I mean really ?  really wind?  Why? 

Damn wind knocked the finial on the turret.  This is the ONE part of the house I can't reach with scaffolding.  Looks like I'm going to have to rent a cherry picker for the 20 minutes it takes to fix it and put it back in place.  UGGGGGG!!!
On the plus side did I share with you I found an earlier photo of the house?  Probably from the 1930s and not what I am looking for.  Still searching for a photo with the original front porch.  So close yet so damn far away.  The torture!!!
Cool to see my porch with different columns, but damn it I need to know what it looked like when built! 


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